I have a dear friend in Canada, and she visited Toronto with her camera. Of course, nothing to be scared of there. Except after I added a reflection in the windows wall in one building…
Nature at home
Deadly virus
Messing up the kitchen
A girl in Greece – or space
Oh dear …
Ten years. Ten. Almost.
What excuse do I have? Why haven’t I updated this blog since 2008? To be honest, I don’t really know. True, I have at times been way too tired to think of anything but eat and sleep after work (slightly exaggerated) but – that doesn’t count for all the time. I’ve also been busy with other things, but still…
Well – let’s hope I’ll manage to get some life back into the blog now.
Cross your fingers. 🙂
Assuming too much?
I got sort of a business proposal in the mail today. In the domain name business. The situation is, my domain name seems to be too attractive not to make a bid for. To quote the email:
Dear owner of dionaea.com,
I noticeded that your domain “dionaea.com” expires in a few weeks, which means that it is going to be publicly available soon. I’d like to buy this domain name before it expires.
I assume that you are not interested in keeping it for yourself.
I can buy this domain for $60 plus any renewal related expenses. What do you think?
I’ll leave out the name of the sender, that’s not important.
So, I get an offer for my domain. Fair enough. If one want something, it’s always worth a try asking if there’s a chance getting it, for some amount of money or other. I don’t mind getting an offer.
What gets to me though, is the followup, where the sender of the mail assumes that I’m not interested in keeping the domain for myself. Uhm, excuse me? I not only have the domain name, I also have a web site under that domain, and it’s most certainly in use. This blog admittedly hasn’t been updated in a while, but that’s just one part of the site. In order to be able to do all I do on this domain, I’m most certainly interested in keeping it for myself. Anyone’s more than welcome to visit though, and hopefully get some pleasure or use from these pages.
So sorry, the domain is not for sale. It will be renewed, as usual.
I’ve finally found out something about some of my visitors. Not who they are, but what they are. At least I’m certain to some degree, namely brassirothesauriasts.
Sounds cool, eh?
I have wondered a bit about this earlier, too, due to a search phrase – girls in bra pics – turning up again and again. That same search phrase is still going strong these days. Out of curiosity I checked the IP-addresses for a few of those searchers, to see where they came from. Way too few to say anything about the origins of them in general, but those I did check originated in Middle-East/Asia; Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia…
Just to mention some statistics around the topic. 😉
And now I’ve realized these most likely are brassiothesauriasts. But what’s with this fancy word? Well, here’s the definition:
Brassirothesauriast (bruh-zeer-oh-thuh-SAW-ree-ast) – A person who collects brassieres or pictures of women wearing them.
Code Monkey Dance
In these days, it’s popular to upload home made music videos to the music of your favourite bands to sites such as YouTube — but it’s also a time where those who have the rights to the music is happy to sue or at least claim copyright infringement for a a 29 second long video clip of a dancing baby, because you could hear the artist playing in the background.
What then, is the reactions to a video where a girl dance to a complete tune?
[flash http://youtube.com/v/2lLRBiEBRAc]
The reactions among the viewers are of course positive, but the band itself, what would they do when they learn about it?
Well — why not ask if the girl in question is present in the audience on a gig, take her up on the stage, and let her perform the dance with the band — live?
[flash http://www.youtube.com/v/t85p8MkdKUo]
Now that is what I think is appreciating your fans! No wonder fans start young then, imitating their heroes:
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkkXB3U7Noc]
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 7 has been out for a year now, and in the IE Blog we have been able to read about the work they’ve done with it and related issues (Active-X, silverlight, …). The last entry in November told us about how IE7 is doing, security wise, support calls, and a bit more. But while IE7 was a nice step up from IE6, it’s still lacking in standards compatibility, so what many wants to know is what’s going on with the next version of the browser. After all, we were promised that we shouldn’ have to wait so long between updates now.
Well, Wednesday the 5th of December is a day to remember. In the blog they proudly presented the following: The next version of Internet Explorer will be called — wait for it — Internet Explorer 8. And, that’s really it.
We were told that we shouldn’t mistake the silence with inaction, but what’s actually being done they don’t reveal. We will laer, we’re promised, but… So far, Molly Holzschlag gives us more information in an article about some questions she asked Bill Gates about the browser and information given, and in the comments we also learn from her that IE8 will have a new rendering engine. She would like to tell us more, but can’t because of her NDA — but reveal that what she’s heard so far is to her liking. As she’s very concerned with standards, that sounds a bit promising, but so far all we can do is wait and speculate.
What exactly is the NDA about? It can’t be that they’re implementing even more support for standards, can it? So we’ll have to assume there are new features. She also wrote it’s going to be a new engine, so the old one must’ve been scrapped. As we know from the Opera development blog sometimes the old engine have to be scrapped and a new being written, to be able to support the new stuff properly. Or at all. So we can hope for some real good changes, then.
Apropos Opera — fun how to see the difference between what we’re told about that browser and IE. It’s perfectly OK that we’re not told everything, but… From Opera ASA we’re told openly about Opera 9.5 and what they implement, we even get to try the latest builds each week. We’ve even been told a little about Opera 10, that it will use yet another rendering engine, why, and what we can expect from it. And from Microsoft, so far we’ve learned that the next browser will increment the version number by one…