Oh dear …

Ten years. Ten. Almost.
What excuse do I have? Why haven’t I updated this blog since 2008? To be honest, I don’t really know. True, I have at times been way too tired to think of anything but eat and sleep after work (slightly exaggerated) but – that doesn’t count for all the time. I’ve also been busy with other things, but still…
Well – let’s hope I’ll manage to get some life back into the blog now.
Cross your fingers. 🙂

I’m a lallebommer

I’m a lallebommer. Don’t know the word? Don’t worry. Here’s the entry for your dictionary:

Lallebommer (noun): One who lalleboms
Lallebomme (verb): To stay up late, even if you know you should go to bed. The roots of the word are the Norwegian words ‘lalle’ (“babytalk” for go to bed) and ‘bomme’ (to miss) – meaning “going to bed – but missing (on the bed)”

Me, I’m lallebomming right now. I have been lallebomming for over three hours already, I’m afraid, but… Well, there must be other lallebommers out there who knows the situation well enough for me not to have to explain the reasons why?

But I’ve lallebommed long enough now. This lallebommer is going to bed right after publishing this post. (I think.) Have a good night, those of you who reads this at night!

All I want for Christmas…

…is a dish washer. I mention it just in case one of you readers should feel very generous.

Anyway, the Christmas cards are now made, printed out, and sent. At least those which should be sent half way over the globe. A few more should be written and sent to friends closer to home, but there’s still some time to do that. And to send them by email to a few more.

Also, there’s the fun in going around and shopping Christmas gifts. Yes, it can be a bit difficult, too, but this year I’ve got more time for looking around than I’ve had in a while – and it’s wonderful. And when there’s three nephews to buy for, I get the chance to try out some toys too – I’m not too old to play and have fun. 😉