A whole new world lies before your feet, ready to be explored. And there is much territory to explore for the travellers with an open mind, or who just want to enjoy themselves.
You'll find games, cartoons and short stories to entertain or maybe a walk around in the gallery?
Maybe I can tempt you with articles on webdesign, or computer talk?
Or maybe... Maybe you should just have a look for yourself.
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My site is called Crazee Aftermoon - but the domain is dionaea.com. To find the reason for this visit the gallery and read about Dionaea, as well as looking at the art.
Dionaea will as time goes by get a more prominent role all over the site, too.
Wondering what the future got in store for you or someone you know? Want to have a peek into what awaits? Try different methods to tell the future.
Enter Moonbase and choose area from the main street.