Calculate the future with the Prediction Calculator!

Want to predict the future of anything you wonder at? Here it is, the prediction calculator!

Want to predict the future of anything you wonder at? Here it is, the prediction calculator!

Funny – I have a long time thought that I should do this; make it easy to just type in the question you have and have the numerological treatment automated and present the answer just like that. And all it took was to mention it in my blog. Maybe there is anything more I should mention?

Anyway, for those interested in the method behind it all, you can read about numerology here.

How to tell the future

When will I marry? Who will I marry? Will I lose my hair?

People come to my site after searching for how to tell the future, and while here, some try to find the answer to their more personal questions. I can’t really help them there by providing the straight answer, but maybe I can help by automating the calculations for those who would like to use the numerology method in their quest for answers?


Statistics lie, but…

…when I looked at the statistics of my site, and how the browser stats have changed during the four months I’ve been with my current host, I’m a bit happy. True – it’s only telling anything about the visits to my own site, but that’s the one important to me. I also could have taken into account various sources that may skew the numbers this way or that way – but I don’t bother too much about that either. I’m not looking at getting the exact numbers as much as how the numbers change – and that’s what I’m looking at here:

September October November December
Internet Explorer 80,5% 81,9% 76,4% 74,2%
Opera 2,2% 3,0% 4,9% 8,3%
FireFox 2,6% 6,0% 5,6%
Mozilla 6,6% 4,1% 1,5% 3,0%
Safari 1,4% 1,4% 1,9% 1,9%
Netscape 2,1% 2,1% 3,6% 1,3%
Konqueror 0,8% 0,3% 0,4% 0,2%

It’s fun to see Opera and Firefox making such strides forward, and Internet Explorer losing terrain – especially since my site isn’t one which should be of a kind that attracts people interested in using standard adhering browsers over IE users. So far in January Opera and FireFox is both between 6 and 7% – it will be fun to see how this will develop in the time ahead. Hopefully, more and more will use modern browsers and drop the dinosaur.

Reciprocal linking – a daunting task?

You link to me, I link to you – that will bring us both more traffic. An easy thing to do, and it works – if it’s done right.

To just accept any request for a reciprocal link, no matter from where, is not the way to go. You need to keep the links to other sites in your own niche, so that they will not only provide your visitors with interesting places to visit, but also make your own site a valuable place to visit. The bonus is of course the traffic from the other sites, and that search engines will look at your site as more relevant – but keeping your links to relevant sites may also open for a closer cooperation with those sites.

All this is material for many articles, but the task of finding good sites with content related to your own, and then take contact with the owners and convince them to make a reciprocal link (and that you’re not just one of the spammers who tries this aimlessly) is a daunting task. Or is it? I just found a site – – that claims to make this task much easier, by arrange contact between serious participants interested in reciprocal linking within their own niches. It may work – I’ll have to look closer into it myself, too. 😉