If ignorance is bliss…

…then there must be many who are blissful in the media. How many times have there been articles in the news, where the author seems blissfully unaware of Opera, even if it should be the most natural thing to at least mention considering the theme being discussed? It’s many.

This time, it’s Yahoo’s turn, talking about the Minimo project from Mozilla. That Mozilla now is releasing a preview version of Minimo is well worth mentioning, even writing an article about. The only thing is something written in the article:

In general, Mimimo looks to address the problems with current mobile-phone browsers, which are difficult to use and don’t display web pages very well. Only 9 percent of cellular-phone subscribers in the United States use browsers to access news and information, according to JupiterResearch.

“The lack of usability on the cellular phone or mobile device is a big hurdle to overcome before we can see faster growth of browsers,” Hofmann said.

Wouldn’t it be natural to mention Opera here, as one mobile-phone browser that doesn’t have these problems? There’s no need to have much of the article talking about the Opera alternative, but it would be nice to know that there already is an alternative browser out there, which already do what Minimo is setting out to solve…

Maybe if people were informed about the choices they already have, with a browser that provides very much usability today, the market would grow faster?

Author: Svein Kåre

I have too many interests for my own good, in that I don't manage to make time for them all. A bit artistic, which can be seen to a degree.