Have you ever stumbled upon a long-forgotten treasure from your childhood? Something that instantly transports you back in time, evoking memories and emotions long tucked away? That’s exactly what happened to me recently when I stumbled upon a collection of my childhood pencil drawings. Among them were numerous sketches of dogs, showcasing a passion I have been reminded of now and then by the innocent phrase “You used to be so good at drawing dogs.” Join me on this nostalgic journey as we uncover the lost art and relive the memories of a young aspiring artist.
The Recovery
It had been years since anyone mentioned my childhood talent for drawing dogs. Memories of my artistic endeavours had faded over time, buried under the weight of daily life1. But fate had a different plan. One day, as I rummaged through old boxes, I stumbled upon a plastic folder, which showed small notepad-sized papers filled with sketches. Could it be? Had I finally found my long-lost dog drawings?

A Blast from the Past
Opening the folder, I was transported back to my younger days. The first sketch that caught my eye was a Collie, captured in simple pencil strokes. As memories flooded back, I marveled at the innocence and passion that once fueled my creative endeavors. Each drawing had its unique charm, telling a story of my early fascination with our four-legged companions.
I knew several of the drawings were lost, as I had glued them to a storage box for papers that I had made from carton – and that one has been thrown away. Unless it surprises me by suddenly turning up from somewhere I would never suspect. Many of those were my favourites, I think. Hard to remember now, many decades later.

Breeds Galore
Leafing through the sheets from the notepad, I discovered my exploration of various dog breeds. From the Collie, known in the Lassie films to the dainty Chihuahua, I had done my best to capture the likeness of each breed. Looking at these drawings now, I couldn’t help but admire the determination I had as a young artist to understand the nuances that made each dog breed distinct. Or well, how faithfully I had recreated the dogs from a book, “Hundene i farger” (The dogs in colour).

Unexpected Talent
It’s easy for me not to recognize the talent – or lack thereof – that I showed in these drawings as a ten-eleven-year-old kid. But when I showed them to a friend of mine, a dad of four small girls, his response made me think: OK, maybe these drawings, while not as advanced as I remembered them, really do show the talent I had as a kid. And my parents really meant it when they said “You used to be so good at drawing dogs as a kid.”
It was a reminder that passion and talent can manifest in unexpected ways, even in the hands of a young artist.

A Reflection
Rediscovering these long-lost drawings allowed me to reflect on the journey that began with a pencil and a notepad. While time and life may have shifted my focus to different endeavours, the joy and fulfilment that art brought me as a child remain deeply etched in my soul. It’s a reminder to nurture our passions, embrace the creativity that lies within us, and cherish the memories and dreams we once held dear.

The unexpected rediscovery of my childhood dog drawings opened a portal to the past, unearthing a forgotten chapter of my artistic journey. These humble sketches, created with a standard school pencil and bound in a small notepad, reminded me of the passion and talent that once burned brightly within me. As I look at those drawings now, I am filled with gratitude for the joy they brought me as a child and the lasting impression they left on those who saw them. It’s a testament to the power of art and the magic of childhood dreams.
Of course, as you can see from earlier posts in this blog, my passion for creativity never left me. It just has come to expression in other forms when time and energy permits. Lately, it’s mostly through acrylic painting. I have to concentrate on mainly one thing to be able to do anything at all. Unfortunately, as it’s so many different ways I’d like to be creative, but who knows, one day I’ll be able to include more creative outlets in my daily life!
1 Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? Somewhat exaggerated, but it does make for a good read.