While Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Saviour, the painting I decided to paint and give away as a Christmas present to a friend has a theme revolving around the other end of life: Death. More specifically with a motive inspired by Star Wars: The fight to destroy the Death Star.

It should be no surprise that my friend enjoys Star Wars and collects various Star Wars memorabilia, so I felt pretty good about the motive. And his reactions after unpacking and seeing it confirm that.
So, OK. I painted it. And? Where are the details?
Here are the details
I had some problems getting started on this painting, I must admit. Even if I had all the other presents ready, my mind just wasn’t cooperative. However, I did reach the conclusion it had to be a Star Wars motive.
Once that was decided, the idea and decision of the Death Star came quickly. Quick idea sketches were made, first from memory, but I had to find sources for the spaceships to get them correct. In the end, I had the perfect inspiration for the painting.
Black. Completely black. That was the start of the painting, a completely black background. And figuring out the size of the Death Star itself, outlining. Then start with the back, getting the galaxy and stars in place, and add the Death Star itself before adding the spaceships fighting. I wondered a bit if I should use something to make sure the straight lines were straight but opted for the more organic feel instead. Partly because it had to be finished the day after, I must admit …
So, for the actual painting, I used an evening. I’m happy with what I managed.