First of all: No, I’ve not got corona, I’m well and healthy. Admittedly, it’s said that several people can get infected with the virus without noticing anything at all, but until proven otherwise, I’ve not had it, nor do I have it. My fight against the corona is not a fight against the virus itself, but against what the fear of it causes.
Sort of.
My life has been more or less as normal these weeks; I’ve been shopping food as normal – only a bit better place in the shops, and as for other shops I haven’t missed anyone that might have been closed. The only way that I’ve been directly affected, is when painting classes were cancelled.

Painting classes aren’t exactly considered essential, so having them cancelled isn’t that big of a deal. Except, if I shall be honest, it was much easier getting done some painting when there was a class every week. It has been harder to get a grip on myself and paint now, and it isn’t only about a complicated image to get correct. Breaking up from the usual habits has made it easier – too easy – to tell myself that the painting can wait a little bit; it won’t run away. Just that after not too long, my good habit of painting isn’t there anymore. I have to restart it.
This is where I am now. I have to just put aside whatever else I’m doing, and paint something. Either continuing on a painting, or a new painting if I struggle with the first one. Only good thing is that I’ve managed to get some other needed things done, so at least I won’t think of those anymore.
OK, this was just a little sigh of the heart, to let you know why I’m not posting anything to show my progress (or lack thereof).