Girls in bra pics

Girl in bra, seen from behindGirls are fascinating for many of us, and they are very often nice to rest our eyes on. If I should make an educated guess, I would think many like to see these beautiful creatures without too much garments obscuring their shapes. I guess seeing the tiny garment called a brassiere — or bra for short — in use is something many can appreciate. I understand that. One thing puzzles me, though.

For several weeks now, one particular search term have been at the top or near the top in the stats for my site, for what visitors look for when they arrive at my site. The search term is (as you may have guessed) “girls in bra pics”. A few have searched for “girls bra” or something like that, but those disappear in comparision with the other term. Now, I can understand that people search for such pictures, but how come that exact search phrase is so popular? I’ll probably never know.

I wonder if those who arrive after that search are disappointed? Because the only page (I think) that mention that delicate garment — up until now — is one about a test I took once: What kind of bra are you? It does have a picture of a bra, though.